What Are the Challenges for Airlines in 2021?


The global pandemic – coronavirus made international air travel come to a standstill for a few months. Almost 20 airlines completely shut down operations and declared bankruptcy. Thousands of airline workers lost their jobs or faced prospects as the governmental bailouts prove insufficient.

Even more than the famous 9/11 terrorist attacks that happened in 2008, the coronavirus pandemic has rocked the airline industry to its core. Most of the scars will remain unforgotten and visible. According to a recent analysis, the airline sector is unlikely to recover until the second half of 2020, and even then, it shall be in domestic tours alone. Other than airline tours, the aviation industry is also experiencing various challenges in the following:

1. Certifying Pilots

Unlike other historical happenings, coronavirus has negatively affected air travel demand, making aviation decrease hiring and flight activities. When aviation hiring returns to normal, hirers will start looking for highly qualified candidates. Pilots who are starting to build their hours and training will experience a lot of competition, especially if they have extra qualifications like the ATP CTP.Omar Kaddouha

Since coronavirus hit, professionals, such as  from the airline industry, have made some predictions on the global pandemic effects on the demand for new pilots globally and the activity level, which flight schools need to expect in the next years to come. These predictions are naturally based on the assumptions on how pilots’ importance can grow.

Some experts even recommend pilot students to look for other career opportunities, indicating that they will not need new pilots for the foreseeable future. However, others are positive and state that aviation may begin to recruit again after two years – meaning aspiring pilots may expect to be on-demand after certification.

2. Cabin Crew and Flight Engineers

Flight attendants have had unique occupational hazards, from balancing perpetual jet lag to dealing with bad behaviors onboard. However, the global pandemic has even brought more challenges for important workers in the industries, including flight engineers and cabin crew. They have dealt with backlash as airline enforcers and engineers and are worried for the safety as well as the health of their colleagues, family members, and even themselves. Like pilots during this global economic and health crisis, flight engineers and cabin crew jobs are also at risk.

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Adding to the challenge of reactivating the airline workforce is that many airports today have parked a large number of aircraft in a limited space. Many airports want to resume operations with a big workforce to meet demands, but if a higher revenue doesn’t support a higher payroll, it will be challenging to achieve it.

Meanwhile, cabin crews are still left with open-to-interpretation instructions, which differ from one airport to another. Apart from that, other coronavirus-related workplace concerns remain intact. This includes testing, quarantine, and contact tracing.

Final Remarks!

It goes without saying that airports are eager for itinerants to return in a significant number.

Only then will they start to establish back the decimated flight schedules, bring their balance sheet, and return furloughed staff to work.

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