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How to Deal With the Rainy Season When Steel Structure Engineering Is Installed?

Rainy Season

If the steel structure project installation encounters the rainy season, in principle, try not to process or do less construction. Because there may be some quality problems in the rainy season installation, the steel structure installation quality cannot be ensured. But sometimes in order to meet the deadline, installation has to be carried out in the rainy season, so safety measures must be taken.

If it is a small project, one or two thousand square meters or less, which can be completed in a short time, if it is installed in the rainy season, you can watch the weather forecast and install it when it is not raining. Of course, rain protection measures should also be taken to prevent losses caused by sudden heavy rain.

If it is a relatively large project, in principle, try to avoid the rainy season for construction. The cost of construction in the rainy season will be greatly increased; if the protection is not proper, it is easy to cause safety problems; welding construction cannot be carried out in the rainy season; it is easy to cause quality problems, etc. But if you have to meet the deadline for construction, you need to take the following measures.

1. Make a good organization and arrangement plan for rainy season construction, purchase materials and equipment required for rainy season construction in advance, and arrange staffing. The on-site quality and safety management needs to be clearly divided and the responsibility is assigned to people. Send people to repair temporary facilities for production and life in time to ensure safe passage through the rainy season.

2. Lightning protection measures must be taken during construction on rainy days to ensure the safety of manual construction. At the same time, all installation components need to be stacked above the ground to prevent rainwater from soaking, and they must also be effectively covered to prevent rainwater from eroding and soaking and causing rust.

3. Steel structure projects are generally connected by welding or bolts. Welding construction cannot be carried out on rainy days to prevent rain from causing substandard weld quality. However, a processing shed can be built for welding, and all welding materials and equipment must be placed in the shed to prevent moisture to avoid quality problems during welding. Bolt installation must not be carried out on rainy days to prevent rust.

4. Construction in the rainy season is not construction on rainy days, and construction should be avoided when it rains. Especially for high-altitude workers, construction should be stopped in time and evacuated safely when it rains, and the power switch should be turned off.

5. Temporary power supply sites need to be built for steel structure construction, and protective measures for power supply must be taken. When power is not needed, turn off the power switch in time to prevent accidents. Perform necessary inspections before turning on the power.

6. During the installation and construction of steel structure projects, be sure to check the scaffolding. Before and after the rain, the fasteners of the scaffolding must be checked one by one, and the scaffolding foundation must be ensured to be firm. Construction personnel must take necessary personal safety protection and provide safety guidance, pay attention to anti-slip and anti-fall, and obey instructions.

Construction of steel structure projects in rainy seasons is more likely to cause personnel safety and project quality problems, so try to avoid construction in rainy seasons. If it cannot be avoided, safety measures must be strictly implemented.

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